Railway Sector
The railway sector is integral to facilitating accessible travel for Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRMs). As rail travel continues to evolve, there’s an increasing emphasis on making stations, platforms, and trains more PRM-friendly, ensuring safe, comfortable, and hassle-free journeys. By prioritizing PRM accommodations, the railway industry can lead the way in creating truly inclusive transit networks.
Legislation and Guidelines
A comprehensive overview of the regulations and guidelines shaping the rail industry’s approach to Persons with Reduced Mobility, ensuring their rights and needs are met.
Our training modules designed to understand the intricacies of PRM-focused practices, equipping participants with the knowledge to implement the industry’s best standards.
Legislation and Guidelines
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRMs) represent a significant portion of the traveling public, and as such, there are specific legislations and guidelines tailored to protect their rights and ensure a high level of consistent and reliable support during traveling. These regulations serve as a blueprint for rail and terminal operators to ensure accessibility, inclusivity, safety, and convenience for PRMs. This section delves into the intricate tapestry of these legislations and guidelines, offering an overview of the standards and practices that the industry adheres to in their commitment to serving PRMs. Please be aware that this overview is not complete and may change over time.
The European Regulation 2021/782
The “Regulation (EU) 2021/ of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations” applies to both international and domestic rail journeys throughout the European Union, provided by railway undertakings licensed under Directive 2012/34/EU. Rail operators are mandated to perform various actions in a non-discriminatory manner. The regulation mentions that staff should be adequately trained to respond to the needs of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.
Overall, the regulation aims to enhance consumer protection and service quality in rail transport, placing significant responsibilities on rail operators.
The European Commission Regulation 1300/2014
The EU Commission Regulation No 1300/2014 focuses on making the EU’s rail system accessible to persons with disabilities and reduced mobility. It outlines detailed technical and functional specifications for infrastructure, rolling stock, operations, and telematics to ensure the system is user-friendly for all. The regulation also addresses non-discrimination and the importance of providing passengers with accurate information. It includes technical requirements for facilities and vehicles, like seating and signage, to accommodate passengers with special needs, aiming to create a fully accessible rail network.
The European Regulation 1371/2007
This regulation, issued by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, addresses the rights and obligations of rail passengers within the European Union. It emphasizes the importance of safeguarding rail passengers’ rights, ensuring cooperation among railway undertakings, and facilitating the provision of information and tickets. Provisions are made for the protection and assistance of disabled persons and those with reduced mobility, ensuring they have comparable rail travel opportunities as other citizens.
Note: As of June 2023, this regulation has been repealed by regulation (EU) 2021/782.
The Interpretative Guidelines on EC 1371/2007
The section on the “rights of persons with disabilities and/or reduced mobility” in the Interpretative Guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on rail passengers’ rights and obligations” emphasizes the principle of non-discrimination, underscoring that persons with disabilities or reduced mobility should have equal rights in accessing and using rail transport services. It touches upon the importance of ensuring that designated spaces, it delves into the rights of disabled persons and those with reduced mobility to receive assistance when using rail services, it discussing the conditions under which this assistance should be provided and the documentation required.
Overall, the section offers guidance on ensuring equal rights and accessibility for persons with disabilities and/or reduced mobility in the context of rail transport within the European Union.
At Passepartout Training, we recognize the importance of equipping the railway industry with the knowledge and skills to serve Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRMs) effectively. We understand that staying on-top of the latest industry trends may seem daunting. That’s why our tailored courses are designed to bridge the gap between legislation and real-world application, ensuring that airlines and airports are not only compliant but also excel in providing an unparalleled travel experience for PRMs.
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