Join us from February 17 to 21, at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport for our Initial PRM Assistance Managers Course. This five-day intensive training is designed to equip PRM managers with essential skills and knowledge to enhance service quality for passengers with reduced mobility. Learn from industry experts, gain insights into the latest EU regulations, and elevate your team’s performance to meet compliance standards. Secure your spot now below and commit to excellence in airport PRM assistance.
European legislation on the Rights of Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by air and American legislation on the same subject are imposing significant requirements on air carriers, airports and on civil aviation authorities.
ECAC DOC 30 Part I, section 5, is the leading document in Europe with regard to best practices in the provision of assistance to PRMs.
Training of the managers of PRM assistance providers and airport managing bodies is needed to enable airports to comply fully with the above-mentioned legislation and to ensure that best practice is put in place.
Quality assistance should not only comply with the requirements of legislation, but should in particular meet the needs of all PRMs. This goal is only fully achievable if the managers of the PRM assistance staff are provided with well-balanced training which is fully in accordance with the recommendations of ECAC Doc 30 Part I, section 5 (and in particular annex 5-G).
The course is highly participative; it promotes best practice service towards the PRM in relation to the requirements of both European and American law (EU Regulation 1107/2006, ECAC DOC 30, Part I, section 5 and ACAA – 14 CFR Part 382) and fully meets the needs of the PRM.
The managers of the PRM assistance staff will be provided with first-hand information on how to provide a quality service to the PRM. The participants are invited to exchange experience among peers in a confidential environment.
The participants will be provided with best practice and first–hand information to provide quality assistance to the PRM, fully compliant with their needs and within the context of the European and American legislation.
The following subjects will be adressed;
Managers of PRM assistance providers
Airport managers responsible for PRM assistance provision